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Voles are infamous pests for their burrowing, illusiveness, and destruction of outdoor spaces. From lawns to gardens, these agile rodents can undermine your space and destroy your hard work. Without help from experts, trying to target them can be a near impossible task.


Voles are infamous pests for their burrowing, illusiveness, and destruction of outdoor spaces. From lawns to gardens, these agile rodents can undermine your space and destroy your hard work. Without help from experts, trying to target them can be a near impossible task.


Voles range in size from 4 to 7 inches with tails that span 3⁄4 inch to 4 inches. Their average weight is 3 to 4.5 oz. Voles are stocky rodents with short legs, small ears and a blunt nose. They are typically brown to gray mixed with black hairs. Younger voles may be darker with nearly black feet.


The presence of 2-inch wide runways in turfgrass, and burrow openings about 1.5 inches wide in fields or cultivated areas are all indicators of voles. Runways often include multiple burrows and can be littered with vegetative clippings, feces, and soil.

Voles love low cover. Groundcovers and thick litter provide preferred nesting habitat. Often, runways can be seen leading from turf into areas with low-growing vegetation where the burrow or nest is located. Voles prefer to stay close to home if food is readily available, but territories can range from 0.5 to 1.5 acres.



How we treat Voles

To successfully treat your vole problem, our experts utilize a combination of baits, traps, and other measures. Getting voles to vacate their burrows can take time and often multiple attempts, but taking the time to do things correctly can make all the difference.

Our pest experts take a tailored approach when treating your property and work to ensure that your concerns are addressed and your home is protected, inside and out. We’re dedicated to providing you with peace of mind and making sure you enjoy your home.

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Vole FAQ

  • How do you treat voles?
  • Where do voles live?
  • What do voles eat?
  • What does a vole look like?
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